This year we have kids in three different schools. Have to love it, having 3 different schedules and activity calendars. Lindsay is a sophomore this year but that is the first year of high school here. She begged me not to take her picture in from of the school this year. She said it was too embarrassing. I told her that I wouldn't make her stand in front of the school but that didn't prohibit me from catching her walking into the school as I drove away. I had to get my photo!
Lindsay- 10th grade
She's the one in the yellow pants (hehe)
Sydney moved up to Jr High this year. Jr High starts with the 7th grade. A lot of people know her because she is at the school Lindsay went to last year. Although people say to her, "I thought you were Lindsay little sister?" They all think she is older than Lindsay. She is in a couple of classes that are above her grade level and they all assume that she is a freshman because of her height.
Sydney- 7th grade
OMG Noah looks uber-tough! Your kids are too cute lady!